Hymns Class

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”
Colossians 3:16

Praising is the work of the heavenly hosts, and the gift of God for the earthly, to commune with the angels in glorifying and thanking Him for His great works. The Coptic Church has dedicated herself to the development and preservation of these hymns for generations. our mission for our hymns class reflects that of the church at large which is to enable its participants to commune directly with God through melody. The hymns classes begin at a young age to help instill the fervor for Coptic hymnology and are arranged for children of all ages. The ultimately objective for this class is most eloquently summarized by St. Ignatius of Antioch – “Your accord and harmonious love is a hymn to Jesus Christ in perfect harmony, and taking your pitch from God, you may sing in unison and in one voice to the Father through Jesus Christ.”

Saturday Hymns Classes

  • 5 pm, Middle & High School Boys

  • 5:30pm, Elementary School Boys

  • 5:30 pm, Elementary-High School Girls

For more information, please contact: hymns@mystjohn.org
You can also call 626-214-8432 any day between 10 am to 8 pm
& PRESS 2 for Children & Youth Ministries then PRESS 5.
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