Great Podcasts from Ancient Faith Radio to help grow the faith and knowledge of our community
Worship in Spirit and Truth by Fr. Hopko
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/spiritandtruth. Do not be put off by the Byzantine tilt, but apply the basic principles to our worship.
Roads from Emmaus by Fr. Damick
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/emmaus. Deals with many topics, some related to the above issues.
Orthodoxy and Heterodoxy by Fr. Damick
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/orthodoxyheterodoxy Search the Scriptures by Presbytera/Dr. Jeannie Constantinou
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/searchthescriptures. This podcast is nothing short of wonderful and incredibly educative. A must-listen-to for all servants.
At the Intersection of East and West by Deacon Michael Hyatt
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/eastwest. Excellent podcast dealing with issues concerning Western religion when it comes face to face with Orthodoxy. This is a must listen to for all of us who seek to engage the West in meaningful dialogue.
Close to Home by Molly Sabourin
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/closetohome. This podcast is for the Mother, Wife, and independent woman seeking to please God in every aspect of her life
Hearts and Minds by Fr. John Oliver
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/hearts_and_minds. How does who we are influence how we see the world? What is the connection between personal renewal and cultural change? What does it mean to see Christ in all things and all things in Christ? The “Hearts and Minds” podcast explores the Christian worldview – a vision of life and for life.
Healing by Fr. George Morelli
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/morelli. Deals with Orthodox Psychology and Spirituality.
Morning Offering by Fr. Tryphon
http://ancientfaith.com/podcasts/morningoffering. Wonderful meditations from a monk who loves the Coptic Orthodox Church
and many more at